Welcome to St. Athanasius Antiochian Orthodox Church! As a member of the ancient, apostolic, Orthodox Christian Church, our parish is committed to worshiping God in Trinity, helping the community in which it resides, and transforming its members into the people that Christ calls us to be. We welcome all to come and see the Tradition and worship of the Orthodox Church, unchanged since the time of the Apostles.

Dec 10 - Food Closet at Holy Cross (8:30-11:30)
Dec 11 - Akathist to St. Athanasius - 6:00pm
“The Hidden Arrow,” Messiah Lecture Series, Part 4 - 6:30pm
Fr. Philip McClanahan (final lecture)
Dec 15 - Parish Council Meeting following Liturgy
Dec 20 - Christmas movie at Church (The Muppet Christmas Carol), 4:30pm (12 and under); popcorn provided, please bring snacks and drinks

During the entire time of his tortures, the Holy Great-martyr Theodore the General said repeatedly: “Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee!”